Thursday, 19 January 2012


Come along this Sunday, weather is meant to be lovely.. hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Beautiful lace lamp:

I am posting this up so I remember to make it some time soon!
 (I seem to be struggling with my short term memory)

Full How-to instructions here: Dos Family

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

I can't wait to see this movie:

The Vow / Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum

(I think Rachel McAdams is gorgeous, she is one of my favourite actors...Love all her movies!)

It is based off of this book: 

the worlds smallest cinema

This is very clever!!

talent so young:

It seems the younger generation are finding their feet a lot younger. I'm 25 now and only FINALLY decided to do what I've been talking about for years (Procrastination is a terrible habit/disease, I am kind of doing it right now).

This young girls blog (12yr old) that I have come across doesn't seem to have the procrastination syndrome check it out, this is one of her digital drawings (I think these are my fav of her's).

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

while researching....

I am currently searching for inspiration for an exhibition being held at the library in February on the 10th.
I will be supporting Jessica Elise with some artwork and outfits for the waitresses.
I have been searching at the moment for inspiration. Only Monday afternoon I FINALLY thought of my theme (having a theme helps me to stop procrastinating about how I should start) I was thinking about my friend that just spontaneously lost 3 people from her life, this reminded me how short life really, really is! I will be dedicating these to her sad loss.
My theme: live as though it's your last 
(not depressing but life fulfilling so laugh as hard, love as much and succeed as you desire, seize your day!)

Here is an image I found as inspiration:

i love fashion shoots:

Opening Ceremony SS12 Lookbook from Opening Ceremony on Vimeo.

Monday, 9 January 2012


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